Thursday, June 17, 2010

Today was similar to yesterday for the youth team. We started off this morning helping the construction team again. It’s very rewarding to do this kind of service work. I love seeing how the young guys work until their faces turn red, and without complaint. It blesses me every day. After that, we went to another school to perform dramas and share testimonies; you know, the typical mission thing. This was another place we were able to share a gospel message. There is only one disappointing thing about this ministry. We go places and share with the people, but we have to leave to go to the next place while in the middle of making connections with them. It can be frustrating at times, but you learn to give it to God because He’s ultimately in control. And for tonight, revival service again. Tonight, some of the medical team came to the service. It was nice to be able to do things with them. When you prepare as a team and split when you enter your line of service, you learn to treasure the times when you can serve together. They end up being the most memorable. Andy Deckert

Yesterday, the medical clinic was set up in the middle of a small village, a 20 minute drive from town, and we saw a group of 200 people change from being afraid of us to, at the end of the day, being open and playing and laughing with us. Today was a different. The medical clinic was at the fairgrounds in town, and the people had to walk farther to reach us. We didn’t have lines of mothers and their children waiting to receive care, which had given us a chance to spend time with them. Today I had what I felt was a less important job than yesterday, and I didn’t get much of a chance to converse with any of the patients. However, God still taught me a lot today. My favorite moment was when our first patient after lunch showed up—a Muslim woman with 4 children. She spoke very little English, and I speak very little Swahili, but in a half hour, I felt as if we had become close friends. She even honored me with letting me take her picture with two of her sons, something almost unheard of in their culture. God showed me today that although we think of miracles being things like healing the sick and feeding five thousand people, they can also be as small as the connection between a Somali mother and a young American girl. Hannah Smith

1 comment:

  1. Dear Andy, Hannah and Team,
    Thank you for working, serving and loving. I appreciated reading what you have been doing. It is evident that you have been blessed with God's insight during your daily experiences. Thank you for seeing where God is at work and joining Him in it no matter what task is asked of you. That is true servanthood! Continue on in His power and might.
    Love and Prayers,
    Sally L.
