The team arrived last night. Thank God for an uneventful trip. All our flights were on time, no issues at the airports, all our luggage arrived and we were able to get through customs with no issues. Everyone is doing well, or as well as anyone could expect given 30 hours of travel and little to no sleep. The Kellys picked us up at the airport. It was great to see Tim and Chris and the smiles, and a few tears, on everyone's faces. From the airport we traveled to a missionary guest house that is operated by a Norwegian missions group. It is interesting to be in Nairobi and have all the signs around the guest house in Norwegian. Today we will be taking it easy and recovering from our travels and jet lag. We will do a little sight seeing and then spend time with Tim and Chris at their house.
I am excited to see what God will do with this day and this trip. Today is like the opening paragraph on the first page of the story God will write on our hearts during this trip. Like with any good story, I am filled with a sense of wonder and anticipation to see how the story goes. Our story, this trip, is just a small part of the story God has been writing in Kenya, Green Bay and the world. I am humbled to be part of what our God is doing. Thanks for all your prayers. I know you will continue to pray with us as we go forward from here.
Glad you made it safely!